Friday, February 28, 2014

Your Help Needed: What are your favorite spots in Central West Baltimore?

Help us build a map of your favorite places in Central West Baltimore

The communities of Reservoir Hill, Bolton Hill, Madison Park, and other neighborhoods of Central West Baltimore are rich in amenities. If you live in Reservoir Hill, have you been to the bakery on Pennsylvania Avenue?  If you live in Bolton Hill, have you visited the Whitelock Community Farm Farm Stand?  We want residents in our neighborhoods to know what’s accessible to them right in their own backyard, and we want others thinking about moving into our neighborhoods to know everything our part of the city has to offer.  So, we ask you:

Where do you go for pizza? Where do you meet friends for coffee? Where are the parks do you enjoy?  Where . . . ?

Reservoir Hill Improvement Council and No Boundaries Coalition are working on an electronic map that will show a range of assets north and south of North Avenue from Charles Street west to Fulton Avenue.  Our idea is that people could go online and see where the coffee shops, pizza places, library, schools, parks, arts programs, etc are located and how far from their house those things are. 

Do you have any recommendations for places to include on the map?  It could be any kind of amenity that you think people would want to know about.

We developed a fun and easy way for you to participate – you just need a Google account.  Click on Central West Baltimore Asset Map, sign into your google account, and you can add that restaurant, bakery, mechanic, place to donate things, hardware store, or any other place you know about.

If you don’t want to use the online tool,  just send the name of the place, street address, and, if there is one, website to Rick Gwynallen at

Thank you for helping!

Important Meeting on BGE Pipline Project

Project has just begun and is expected to continue up to one year

Department of Public Works Project SC 897R “Improvements to Sanitary Sewers in the Jones Falls Sewershed” is underway to replace sewer lines and is projected to go through early-2015

Meeting to be held March 6, 2014 at 7pm
John Eager Howard Recreational Center
2100 Brookfield Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217


BG&E sent letters to residents of Reservoir Hill explaining the gas main replacement project Woodbrook Phase 3 that has just begun. “Operation Pipeline is BGE's multi-year initiative to upgrade hundreds of miles of natural gas pipes and equipment ….. proactively replacing cast iron and bare steel pipes which are coming to the end of their useful service lives with new, durable gas mains that will serve customers well for decades.” Project management from Constellation Energy/BG&E, and the sub-contractors hired by them, offered to meet with the residents of Reservoir Hill to review the Project. Cal Buikema and Kim Forsyth have been working with them for a couple of months to assure that the project goes smoothly for all parties involved.  Our goal is to assure that residents are accommodated as much as possible and the architectural integrity of the neighborhood overall, and specifically the Historic District within Reservoir Hill, is maintained. PLEASE JOIN US

Constellation/BG&E: David Wright (Project Manager/Constellation), Don Malamphy (BG&E Supervisor, Contract Construction and Maintenance)
Lineal Industries: Jim Kreager, Clyde Brown (general foreman), and Frank Jackson (foreman on site)
City Department of Public Works staff member and Community Liaison will also attend
Councilman Nick Mosby
Reservoir Hill residents coordinating with BG&E:
Kim Forsyth (1928 Mount Royal Terrace; 617.686.3484)
Cal Buikema (1916 Mount Royal Terrace; 443.629.6864)