Even when you see someone frequently, and you think you have fixed them in your personal landscape, you don’t always know what’s really deep inside them. At last night’s inaugural Third Thursdays in Reservoir Hill gathering there were some revelations.
Every Third Thursday we will hold a café style gathering
where neighbors and friends can mingle and meet new people over good food and
entertainment. Each month we will
feature Central West Baltimore artists and businesses. This time, Baltimore Poets’ Society held a
Poetry Slam, and Liam Flynn’s Alehouse and The Open Plough Project provided the food.
Anthony Pressley, president of the Baltimore Poets’ Society
and Director of Community Resources at Druid Heights CDC was Master of Ceremonies, as well as one of
the published poets who read that night.
There were many fine offerings, but for all you Reservoir Hill residents
and supporters, there were two people you may have seen around a lot, but
probably never knew they were poets.
The same can be said of Chelsea Monet from New Lens. We always knew Chelsea was creative, but her depth as a young poet came to us as completely new side of her. |
Ernest Hemingway referred to the “iceberg theory,” that is
to say that the crux of a story rests below the surface. The part we see is
only the tip of the iceberg. Somewhere
in the swirling waters of life below what we see moves a much larger story,
hidden from view, and only hinted at in fleeting moments. All these folks gave us a look at some of
what lies beneath the surface part we see of them, and for that we thank them
Also, thanks to Liam Flynn’s Alehouse and The Open Plough Project for
providing the delicious vegan Potato-Leek Soup and vegan Butternut Squash soup. Check out Central West Baltimore’s own Irish
pub at 22 West North Avenue.
Thanks to the Baltimore Poets’ Society for running a great
As always, thank you to John Eager Howard Recreation
Center for the welcoming
space and providing the drinks and utensils for dinner.
And thanks to partners in producing this series: Baltimore Community Foundation, Beth Am Synagogue, Child First at John Eager Howard School,
Healthy Neighborhoods, and New Lens.
15 May – John Eager Howard Recreation Center, 2100 Brookfield Avenue
Watch for
the Notices! – (But the Poetry Slam returns a part of the evening)
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