Friday, May 31, 2013

Important Community Meeting - Your Input Needed on the New John Eager Howard School

You are invited to the

Reservoir Hill Improvement Council
June 2013 Community Meeting

Tuesday, 4 June 2013, 7:00 pm
John Eager Howard Recreation Center, 2100 Brookfield Avenue

Dinner provided free by John Eager Howard Recreation Center
(Vegetarian pasta, Chicken Alfredo Pasta, Salad, Beverages)

john eager howard school
is getting a new school building

What Kind of School Do You Want For Our Community?

RHIC & Baltimore City Public School System want to maximize community involvement in shaping what we need in our neighborhood school

This will be the first opportunity to give your input into the new school design.

The session will be very interactive
PGive your thoughts on elements of school design
from outdoor spaces to hallways, to classrooms.
PHelp shape the values and standards
that will be used to prioritize proposed designs


Do you have a topic you would like to see addressed at a monthly Community Meeting?
If you have any questions or would like to suggest a topic for a Community Meeting, please call the RHIC office at (410) 225-7547, or write to Rick Gwynallen at

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Reservoir Hill Garden & Home Tour

Historic Reservoir Hill Garden and Home Tour

The 19th annual Reservoir Hill Garden and Home Tour will take place Saturday June 8th and Sunday June 9th, 2013, 11:00am - 4:00pm (gardens and homes open until 5:00 p.m.).  Tickets ($15) available at the information booth at the Intersection of Park Avenue and Reservoir Street on tour days.

Have you noticed flowering trees and lush vines poking over an alley fence and wondered what else is growing on the other side?  Are you curious about what’s behind the brick facade and stately wooden trim of a historic row house?  Follow a self-guided tour through some of the colorful gardens and restored homes of Reservoir Hill to learn about gardening in the city and the fascinating history of this vibrant Baltimore neighborhood.

Historic maps and pictures of the neighborhood will be on display and visitors will have a chance to meet author Kelly Dale Terrill at a book signing for Reservoir Hill, his newly published book on the area.  

The Garden and Home tour is sponsored by neighborhood associations: Bolton Park Neighbors, 501(c)(3) and the Historic Mt. Royal Terrace Association  501(c)(3) with additional support from Healthy Neighborhoods. For more information: email -, phone - 443-424-2276 or 410-383-8535.

Monday, May 6, 2013

TOMORROW: Mayor Rawlings-Blake to Attend the Reservoir Hill Community Meeting

You are invited to the

Reservoir Hill Improvement Council
May 2013 Community Meeting

Tuesday, 7 May 2013, 7:00 pm
John Eager Howard Recreation Center, 2100 Brookfield Avenue

Pizza provided by Joe Squared
Beverages provided by Baltimore City Police Department’s Central District

We will be joined by
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
who will speak about her
10-year financial plan for Baltimore City

Display tables on projects and initiatives – provide your feedback
l Tree Mapping – See how our tree canopy has grown
l South Lots Project (Whitelock Street)
l Linden-Brooks Vacant Lot Rehab
l Planning for Development on Druid Park Lake Drive
l Whitelock Community Farm’s 2013 Plans
Come see the new Mobile Market!
l Changes at John Eager Howard Recreation Center
l Re-thinking the Jordan Alley Park
l What’s New at John Eager Howard School?

Celebrating the John Eager Howard School’s Maryland Green School Status
Preparing for the Re-development of John Eager Howard School: Come hear what is in the works for our neighborhood school and how you can be part of the process

Do you have a topic you would like to see addressed at a monthly Community Meeting?
If you have any questions or would like to suggest a topic for a Community Meeting, please call the RHIC office at (410) 225-7547, or write to Rick Gwynallen at