Monday, December 30, 2013

Come to the First Reservoir Hill Community Meeting of 2014!

Head of the Year Gathering
First Reservoir Hill Community Meeting of 2014

Tuesday, 7 January 2014
6:30 pm
John Eager Howard Recreation Center
2100 Brookfield Avenue

~ What’s New in the Redevelopment of John Eager Howard School?
~ A Comprehensive Community Plan

Free Dinner Provided by John Eager Howard Recreation Center



What’s New in the Redevelopment of John Eager Howard School?

School Design Team members have been meeting every two weeks for several months monitoring, collecting community opinion, and advocating for a school facility that is an asset to the Reservoir Hill community.

At this meeting, School Design Team leaders will discuss the status of the design process and key elements of the newly designed facility.

The redevelopment of the school is expected in 2015.  It will be the largest single development project in Reservoir Hill to date, and has great potential for Reservoir Hill families and the community as a whole.  This will be a great opportunity to interact with the School Design Team members.

A Comprehensive Community Plan

At our Annual meeting we held an extensive discussion on the need for strategic public and private investments in the communities surrounding schools undergoing redevelopment.  While the investment in a new John Eager Howard school facility will be a very significant and positive development for Reservoir Hill, strategic, seamless investment by City and State departments, and private sector partners, throughout the community can maximize school development as full community development.  To achieve this requires a comprehensive plan to guide such investment, drawing together the diverse projects underway in and around Reservoir Hill and developing community opinion around new priorities.  But not just a plan that sits on a shelf – a vibrant, tool we actively use.

In autumn 2013 the School Design Team began outreach to community institutions as a first step in developing the foundations for such a plan.  Now RHIC is entering into a partnership with Neighborhood Design Center (NDC) to work with community members to create that plan.  This meeting is an opportunity for community members to discuss and shape this process.

At this meeting, NDC and RHIC personnel will discuss the project.
Please join us and become part of the effort at the very beginning.


Any community announcements may be given.

Beth Am Synagogue will be announcing

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

At the RHIC Annual Meeting Tonight!

Friends & Neighbors,

Reservoir Hill Improvement Council’s (RHIC) 2013 Annual Meeting is TONIGHT Tuesday, 5 November at Beth Am Synagogue, 2501 Eutaw Place. We hope you are able to join us. It’s been a year of significant developments, made possible by thousands of hours of volunteer work and a range of partnerships, and tonight we review and celebrate that work, and engage in some important discussions that affect the coming year. In addition, the RHIC Board will be electing new leaders and discussing its plans for leadership development in 2014.

 The following is a review of the program for tonight.  See you there!

School Revitalization as Community Revitalization: The Opportunities Before Us

John Eager Howard School, John Eager Howard Recreation Center, and John Eager Howard Park constitute the largest institutional footprint in Reservoir Hill, and the redevelopment of that site will positively impact hundreds of families and the community as a whole.  We have an unprecedented opportunity to shape a model for community engagement in the design process that brings together school redevelopment and neighborhood redevelopment.  This massive school investment affords possibilities for significant community development, not just in the funds invested in the school, but how that project design serves the rest of the neighborhood, and how other public and private investments are coordinated to create the most positive change possible leading up to and following upon the school redevelopment.

At the Annual Meeting you will hear some of our partners, architects, and organizations around the City discuss the model being built in Reservoir Hill and what we need to do city-wide to make sure our neighborhoods receive maximum benefit from school redevelopment. We welcome Transform Baltimore, Baltimore City Public Schools, Citizens Planning & Housing Association, Neighborhood Design Center, Healthy Neighborhoods, and others to this Annual Meeting conversation.

We think you will find this a lively and important conversation.

We’re very happy to once again honor the work of some dynamic neighbors and partners.

This year the Lenora Hewitt Awards goes to
Juanita Garrison
Chancey Avenue resident and member of Lakeside Neighbors Coalition


Carl Young,
Lennox Street resident and member of Historic Mt. Royal Terrace Association

The Lenora Hewitt Award honors individual community leaders who exemplify the ideal of thinking beyond the boundaries of block, race, organization, and other boundaries to work for the entire community.

This year we also honor an award winning development project,
The Bacharach Stein House on Linden Avenue
We are happy to honor Healthy Neighborhoods and their partners for this contribution to the community, and Women’s Housing Coalition for becoming part of the neighborhood.

This year there have been several projects that are demonstrating the importance of engaging the community broadly and deeply in community projects.
For that work, we honor
The School Design Team
The Linden Lot Project
Beth Am Synagogue’s, In, For, and Of the Community Initiative

And we honor and bid farewell to Elisa Lane and Doron Kutnick of Whitelock Community Farm

Please join us as we honor our neighbors and partners


We have  some special items in our Annual meeting raffle this year. Come with a few dollars for tickets!

We Are Launching the
RHIC "Tree Menu"
In fall 2013 RHIC partnered with local artists, including one Reservoir Hill neighbor, to produce an illustrated guide for residents interested in tree planting. The hand-drawn illustrations present detailed descriptions of five native tree varieties and feature quotes from community members who have recently planted each of the tree options.  Pick up a copy at the Annual Meeting.

Dinner Menu
Catered by Milk & Honey
Dinner served at 6:30 pm

You might have been wondering what’s on the buffet menu!

Appetizer Platter: pita, hummus, falafel, and more
Main Course:
Baked Ziti
Garlic bread

And we have some very special exhibitors this year

Baltimore Community FoundationVolunteers will be conducting surveys to help us understand better what you as residents want and need in our community.

Baltimore Green Map will be displaying their Druid Hill Park and John Eager Howard School Map/Passport projects.

Downtown Baltimore Family AllianceSpeak with them about what they are doing to foster an ever more family-friendly city.

Girl Scout Troop 10281 will be selling girl scout cookies and recruiting to the troop.  The troop is based at John Eager Howard Recreation Center

Healthy Neighborhoods:  Speak with our Healthy Neighborhoods partners about their programs to buy in the city andto enhance your neighborhood.

John Eager Howard School will be taking orders for adult and children’s t-shirts that sport the winning design for the Maryland Department of the Environment’s 2013 Earth Day poster contest by JEH’s 4th grade class.

Jubilee Baltimore will be showing the CHOICE Neighborhood designs, covering areas north and south of North Avenue.

The Linden Lot Team will be showing their design for redeveloping the lot at Linden & Brooks and discussing the project.

Live Baltimore will be discussing their new Neighborhood Know It Alls program and how you can take part.

Mosaic Makers will be discussing the mosaic they are working with neighbors to create for John Eager Howard Recreation Center

Neighborhood Design Center is working on a number of Reservoir Hill projects.  Speak with them about how they are helping our community.

No Boundaries Coalition works to bring Central West Baltimore communities into closer working relations.   Speak with them about what they have planned for the next year.

RHIC will be selling the new Reservoir Hill Coloring Book & Guided Tour

The School Design Team will be discussing the process underway to redesign and redevelop John Eager Howard School

ToastmastersSpeak with them about their programs to develop public speaking and leadership skills.

Jubilee Baltimore will be showing the CHOICE Neighborhood designs, covering areas north and south of North Avenue.

. . . and of course much more

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

John Eager Howard School's 4th Grade won 2013 Earth Day poster contest. Now you can buy the t-shirt!

The John Eager Howard School Green Team is taking orders for adult and children’s t-shirts that sport the winning design from Maryland Department of the Environment’s 2013 Earth Day poster contest. The contest was open statewide to grades kindergarten through 8th grade and JEH won first place with the 4th grade’s submission! Entries were to illustrate the theme "Reclaim the Bay".  Check out the design below! Prices range from $10 - $14.  To order an adult or children's size shirt, contact Erin Bowman for an order form or more information: 410.225.7547;


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

This Sunday's Music Line-Up at Whitelock Harvest Fest is Looking Great!

Friends & Neighbors,

The music performances at this year’s Whitelock Harvest Fest are particularly diverse – Simply Black is back with its driving Rhythm & Blues and Hip Hop sound.  Due to popular demand from last year, the steel drums of St. Veronica’s also return.  You may recall the jazz group Corner Quartet from the 2011 Whitelock Harvest Fest.  One of the Corner Quartet musicians is a Reservoir Hill resident.  Completely new to the musical offerings we have had in past years is Irish and Scottish country music from Dileab Phriseil. Also new to the Whitelock Harvest Fest is Brooks Long, bringing a melding of the traditions of vintage R&B and Blues with the aesthetics of classic singer/songwriters.

Find out more about the performers by clicking the links below.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

You Can Support Reservoir Hill's Girl Scout Troop

Reservoir Hill has a Girl Scout Troop based in the community
Our girls are asking for your support

Troop 10281 is a combined Daisy (K-1) and Brownie Girl (2-3) Scout Troop. We have 18 members, all residents of Reservoir Hill.  There are many ways you can support our girls as they learn leadership skills and take action in our community. Reservoir Hill residents and member organizations can:
  • Buy cookies from a Girl Scout. Our troop earns money for each box sold. Sales start next week!
  • Teach the girls a skill or help them with a craft project
  • 18X 12 or 11X 14 construction paper (used to make place mats for meals on wheels participants)
  • potted plants (decorated and given to sick residents in our neighborhood)
  • old tennis balls (used to make dog toys for animals in shelters)
  • $5 pays dues for a girl for one month
  • $10 helps a girl go on a field trip
  • $38.00 buys a complete girl scout uniform
  • $60 pays for a year of dues for a girl who can't afford it
 Please contact Octavia Shulman to lend a hand!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Reservoir Hill Coloring Book and Walking Tour Has Gone to Press


The long-awaited Reservoir Hill Coloring Book and Walking Tour is now at the press.  You can get a copy from the Reservoir Hill Improvement Council office after this coming Wednesday, 18 September for only $5. Both kids and adults will enjoy the book.

Call the office at 410.225.7547, or just come by 2001 Park Avenue (the stone house on the hill) Monday through Friday, 9 am - 5 pm.

Free Tin Whistle Classes Starting at John Eager Howard Recreation Center

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Join Us for Dinner and a Conversation about Community Art Projects in Reservoir Hill

Join us for Dinner
and a Conversation about
Creating Community Art Projects in Reservoir Hill

Reservoir Hill Improvement Council
September 2013 Community Meeting

Tuesday, 3 September 2013, 6:30 pm
John Eager Howard Recreation Center, 2100 Brookfield Avenue

Dinner provided free by John Eager Howard Recreation Center
Dinner starts at 6:30 pm



Creating Community Art Projects in Reservoir Hill

In late 2012, a group of residents began meeting to plan for changes at John Eager Howard Recreation Center to create a softer and distinctive exterior. We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Mosaic Makers to create a mosaic mural on the exterior of the center. Mosaics are works of art created by assembling small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials to create images or patterns. Check out the examples below!

This will be the first in what we hope will be a series of community art projects, each one designed and built by community members under the guidance of Mosaic Makers.

All ages are welcome – everyone can contribute!
There is no prior art experience necessary!

Bring your ideas for what you want in a community mosaic.
What words, images, and messages would you like to communicate?

Mosaic Makers Projects
To see more of what is possible
click on Mosaic Makers and Mosaic Makers Facebook

Join Groundswell to hear how you can lower your energy cost

Anyone who pays an electricity bill in Baltimore has the right to choose where their electricity comes from. This choice creates an opportunity for us to come together and collectively purchase clean electricity. Through combined purchasing power, Groundswell, a non-profit, working with Reservoir Hill and other communities in DC and MD negotiates reduced prices for energy.  This is an opportunity to save money and have a positive social impact.

Brett Wiley of Groundswell will speak with participants about what to look out for from energy suppliers and how you can join your neighbors to build community power.

Do you have a topic you would like to see addressed at a monthly Community Meeting?
If you have any questions or would like to suggest a topic for a Community Meeting, please call the RHIC office at (410) 225-7547, or write to Rick Gwynallen at

  Reservoir Hill is a Healthy Neighborhoods community

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

TONIGHT'S Reservoir Hill Community Meeting is Packed with Important Topics: WE NEED YOUR INPUT


Reservoir Hill Improvement Council
July 2013 Community Meeting

Tuesday, 2 July 2013, 6:45 pm
John Eager Howard Recreation Center, 2100 Brookfield Avenue

Dinner provided free by John Eager Howard Recreation Center
(Vegetarian Cold Pasta, Turkey Goulash, Lemonade)
Also the Bike Smoothie Maker is Reappearing for the Season!

Dinner & Bike Smoothies start at 6:45 pm
($1 donation for smoothies requested – funds support JEH School Garden)



Central District Police Update on Public Safety Issues
Senior Central District Police personnel and 7th District City Councilman Nick Mosby will discuss with the community a range of public safety issues in Reservoir Hill, the strategy being used by Central District to address the issues, and how residents can help.

City Council President Jack Young Joins Us
City Council President, Jack Young, will discuss efforts at securing increased numbers of jobs for city residents, and recent legislation aimed at accomplishing that goal. The City Council President will also discuss other priorities he has for the city.

Re-Visioning Druid Park Lake Drive
Eighty residents met to pool ideas and discuss what we as a community want to see
built on the vacant lots on Druid Park Lake Drive.  Since then the Department of Planning has produced a draft summary of the workshop, and Housing & Development Team members have been exploring issues in developing a plan.  The draft summary of the public session on redevelopment of the vacant lots on Druid Park Lake Drive in Reservoir Hill is available on the RHIC website. Click Here!

At the Community Meeting we will discuss the Planning Department’s draft summary of the last meeting, and options that are emerging for the site.

We need everyone’s input to ensure that any final plan reflects community opinion.

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: Learn the best ways to retrofit your home for energy efficiency  with Retrofit Baltimore

Do you have a topic you would like to see addressed at a monthly Community Meeting?
If you have any questions or would like to suggest a topic for a Community Meeting, please call the RHIC office at (410) 225-7547, or write to Rick Gwynallen at

Reservoir Hill is a Healthy Neighborhoods community

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

City Council President Jack Young Joins us for the 2 July Community Meeting

You are invited to the

Reservoir Hill Improvement Council
July 2013 Community Meeting

Tuesday, 2 July 2013, 7:00 pm
John Eager Howard Recreation Center, 2100 Brookfield Avenue

Dinner provided free

City Council President Jack Young Joins Us

City Council President, Jack Young, will discuss efforts at securing increased numbers of jobs for city residents, and recent legislation aimed at accomplishing that goal. The City Council President will also discuss other priorities he has for the city.

Re-Visioning Druid Park Lake Drive

Eighty residents met to pool ideas and discuss what we as a community want to see
built on the vacant lots on Druid Park Lake Drive.  Since then the Department of Planning has produced a summary of the workshop, and Housing & Development Team members have been exploring issues in developing a plan.

The summary of the public session on redevelopment of the vacant lots on Druid Park Lake Drive in Reservoir Hill is available on the RHIC website. Even if you missed the session, you can still give your input on RHIC's Views From the Hill blog.  Click Here!

Come to the meeting and discuss some of the options that have emerged.

We need everyone’s input to ensure that any final plan reflects community opinion.

- Central District Police Update
on public safety issues in Reservoir Hill
 - Learn the best ways to retrofit your home for energy efficiency

Do you have a topic you would like to see addressed at a monthly Community Meeting?
If you have any questions or would like to suggest a topic for a Community Meeting, please call the RHIC office at (410) 225-7547, or write to Rick Gwynallen at

 Reservoir Hill is a Healthy Neighborhoods community